Recently I mentioned the classic film A Christmas Story as a must see with the kids this holiday season. Last night I stumbled upon another classic that probably should not be missed.
If your kids haven't seen it yet, find Home Alone and throw it on. We were watching without remembering much about it because we hadn't seen it in years, as it turns out my little girl loved it. She couldn't stop laughing. Especially when the crooks are going through the house and running into all of the kid's traps, she was on the floor.
As it turns out, Home Alone is one of those holiday films that my little girl can't get enough of. She has already requested a copy so she can watch it another hundred times. Of course we are good parents and wouldn't allow her to watch more than seventy two times a day. There has to be some time put aside to brush her teeth.
I couldn't imagine leaving any kid Home Alone for the holidays although I'm sure there are some parents who have considered it. I've always been curious to hear stories of parents who forgot a kid somewhere. I'm not talking about anything terrible. Even if it was for just ten minutes, and everything turned out OK, there is something hysterical about that to me. If you forget the kid at home that's not all that bad, especially if there is plenty of food in the house.
If you have a story like that, I'd be interested to hear about it. Don't worry, you don't have to use your real name, I'm just looking for the story. Just think of this as a chance to get the story off your chest and then you are forgiven. That's right. Just like that.
In the meantime, go out and grab a copy of Home Alone if the kids haven't seen it yet. Joe Pesci is amazing in it and it really has stood up well over time. It's still a hoot and I'm sure you'll have a blast watching it with the kids.